The Rivalry Between the Philadelphia Phillies and New York Mets

Rivalry Between the Philadelphia Phillies and New York Mets

Rivalry Between the Philadelphia Phillies and New York Mets is long and contentious. From Keith Hernandez’s big mouth and so forth learn why Phillies fans always say, “Fuck The Mets”

Ah, Philly sports. It’s a city where the passion for sports runs deep and the cheesesteaks are even deeper. And when it comes to rivalries, there’s nothing quite like Rivalry Between the Philadelphia Phillies and New York Mets.

The rivalry has been going on for years, and it’s not just about baseball. It’s about pride, passion, and cheesesteaks (of course). But what really fuels this rivalry? Is it the players? The fans? The fact that New Yorkers think their pizza is better than Philly cheesesteaks? Let’s dive in.

Let’s Get Into The Rivalry

Let’s start with the players. The Philadelphia Phillies have had some great players over the years, from Mike Schmidt to Ryan Howard to Bryce Harper. But let’s be real, the real MVP of the Phillies is the Phanatic. That big green furball is a Philly icon, and he knows how to pump up the crowd.

As for the New York Mets, well, they’ve had some good players too. But let’s not forget the real MVP of the Mets: Mr. Met. That big baseball head is a New York legend, and he knows how to… well, be a big baseball head.

But the players are just one part of the rivalry. It’s the fans that really make it interesting. Philly fans are known for their passion, intensity, and tendency to boo their own team if they’re not playing well. But when it comes to the Mets, Philly fans have one thing to say: #FTM – Fuck The Mets. (You even see it on Phillies Shirts)

Mets fans, on the other hand, are just as passionate. They’ll defend their team to the death, even if they haven’t won a World Series in over 30 years. And when it comes to the Phillies, Mets fans have one thing to say: #LGM – Let’s Go Mets.

But it’s not just about the fans. It’s about the culture. In Philly, sports are a way of life. You’re either a Philly fan or you’re not. And if you’re not, well, good luck trying to find a decent cheesesteak. In New York, sports are just one of many things to do in the city that never sleeps. And if you’re not a Mets fan, well, there’s always the Yankees.

But when the Phillies and Mets meet on the field, it’s like the two cities are at war. The air is thick with tension, and the only thing louder than the cheers are the boos. And if you’re wearing a Fuck The Mets Phillies shirt in Queens, you better be ready for some heckling. But if you’re wearing a Mets shirt in Philly, well, let’s just say you might want to avoid the parking lot after the game.

Rivalry Between the Philadelphia Phillies and New York Mets has had its fair share of memorable moments. There was the time when Phillies pitcher Cole Hamels famously declared that he wanted to “kick their asses” after the Mets swept the Phillies. And who could forget when Mets pitcher Noah Syndergaard threw a fastball at Chase Utley’s head in retaliation for a hard slide during a previous game?

But it’s not all about animosity. The rivalry also brings out the best in both teams. When the Phillies and Mets are playing each other, you can bet that both teams will be playing their hearts out. And when the game is over, there’s a mutual respect for the competition.

So what does the The Rivalry Between the Philadelphia Phillies and New York Mets hold in the future? Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure: the passion, intensity, and cheesesteaks will never die. I know all Philadelphia Phillies fans are looking forward to the first Mets Phillies series of 2023! Mets vs Phillies 2023 — it’s on.

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